Representative Search Engagements
ProActivity Inc. is an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) Software Company started in 1997 and backed by several investors
including Israel Seed Partners. I placed two people at ProActivity; the VP of Marketing and the CTO. The VP of Marketing was
previously with Analog Devices and Oberon Software another EAI software company in Cambridge. The CTO came from CSC Consulting.
I completed the VP of Marketing search in 117 days and the CTO search in 52 days.
Vigil Technology - Vigil Technology is an Israeli based company that provides on-line competitive intelligence to Corporate
America. They are backed by Israeli investors similar to ProActivity. I placed the VP of Marketing with Vigil. I completed
this search in 95 days.
PrintLife - PrintLife is a and eCommerce B-to-C company backed by Israeli Venture Funds that allowed the consumer
to develop Online Photo Albums that could be turned into physical Photo Albums that would be shipped to whoever the consumer
designated. I placed two candidates at PrintLife; a VP of Marketing and a VP of Business Development. The VP of Marketing
previously worked with Polaroid in their eCommerce group and The VP of Business Development came from a company in Seattle
called Appliant and prior to that from Eastman Software. I completed the VP of Marketing search in 49 days and the VP of Business
Development search in 59 days.
SupplyScience ( formerly OptiGroup) SupplyScience is a Supply Chain Management company that focuses on the Perishables market.
They started in Israel and were initially focused entirely on dairy products. I placed two candidates there; The CEO and the
Director of Professional Services. The CEO was formerly with Ernst & Young The Director of Professional Services was formerly
with SAP. I completed the CEO search in 93 days and the Director of Professional Services Search in 93 days as well.
PrimeShot - PrimeShot is an eCommerce company that manages online event photography. They are based in Washington DC. I placed
the VP of Sales there. He came from Choice Hotels where he was VP of Marketing for over 20 years. I completed this search
in 90 days.
Cytura - Planet X Software- Planet X Software is an eCommerce services company similar to Viant, Scient, and Sapient, etc.
I placed the CEO with Cytura. He was from BAAN and then from an internet incubator called Xbox. I completed this search in
94 days.
SeaChange International - SeaChange is a mid-sized publicly traded company that has three areas of business: They make Broadcast
video Servers that route movies and Television for Television stations, Video-On-Demand in Hotels and Advertisement Insertion
for Cable TV. I placed a VP of Broadcast Sales at SeaChange. He came from Pinnacle Systems which is a direct competitor of
Eurologic Systems - Eurologic Systems is a $200MM Storage Area Network and Network Attached Storage company located in Dublin
Ireland. They have a significant Presence in the US and specifically in Boxborough MA. I placed the SVP of the Americas there.
He was formerly VP of OEM sales with EMC.
Dal Coger 66 Marston Street Medford MA 02155-4469
cell 617-990-7273
Skype DalCoger or 617-440-5595